The recent decision by the New Mexico Governor to ban firearms within Bernalillo County has raised concerns over the constitutionality of such a measure. While public safety is undoubtedly a critical consideration, it is vital that any law enacted aligns with the constitutional rights of citizens. In this case, the prohibition on firearms within the county appears to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding individuals.
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution explicitly states, “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This constitutional provision grants citizens the fundamental right to possess firearms for self-defense, hunting, and other lawful purposes. Therefore, any governmental action that directly curtails this right should be subjected to careful scrutiny.
Banning firearms in Bernalillo County raises the question of whether it is a justifiable restriction on Second Amendment rights. Proponents argue that it will enhance public safety by reducing the risk of gun-related crimes and accidents. However, opponents counter that such localized bans disproportionately impact law-abiding citizens, as criminals are unlikely to abide by these restrictions.
Moreover, imposing such a ban restricts the ability of individuals to protect themselves and their families. In a nation where personal safety remains an essential concern for many, this curtailment of rights may undermine the well-established principle of self-defense.
While the Governor’s intentions to safeguard public safety are commendable, it is imperative to examine alternative approaches that strike a balance between protecting citizens and preserving their constitutional rights. Implementing comprehensive background checks, enhancing mental health services, and promoting responsible firearm ownership are just a few examples of measures that can address the concerns without infringing upon the Second Amendment.
In conclusion, the recent ban on firearms within Bernalillo County raises valid concerns surrounding its constitutionality. The essential principle of individual rights, particularly the right to bear arms, must be duly respected. Balancing the genuine concerns for public safety with the preservation of constitutional rights is an ongoing challenge, requiring a nuanced and thoughtful approach that acknowledges the complex nature of the issue at hand.
Anthony Segura, Executive Director

NMSSA is working to challenge the Governor on this Unconstitutional Health Order. We need your financial help to accomplish this. Please use the following button to donate what you can to help offset the costs of any litigation. 

The 2023 Election Season is upon us!

The 2023 Election Season is upon us!
History tells us that every voter has a habit of voting the same way each year. But did you know that each year there are changes in laws, voting locations, and poll worker training that may affect your vote plan?   
In past elections, many Republican voters were unable to vote due to circumstances beyond their control such as technological problems at their voting locations, weather conditions, health and or transportation issues.
Today is the day to MAKE A VOTE PLAN for this year’s election!
✔Register to Vote If you’re already registered to vote, make sure you complete the following steps:Check your registration. Make sure it’s active and updated, especially if you’ve moved or recently visited the MVD.Print a sample ballot ahead of time so you are well versed on the candidates and issues that you will be voting on. If you cannot print one at home, call our office, and we’ll email it or mail it to you! (505) 298-3662Request an absentee ballot application if you don’t plan to be in town and know you may not have a ride or want to avoid the lines at your voting locations.  Map your voting course. If you plan to vote in person, make sure you have 3 voting locations mapped out in case you have to go to a different voting site due to long lines, technological issues, or any other reason.
Start your plan below and also receive important election date reminders!
Start Your Early Vote Plan Today!
If election integrity is important to you, join our Voter Resource Team: Register new voters Be a poll workerBe a ballot tracker Hand out fliers to help voters be prepared!  
Join our Voter Resource Team
Copyright (C) 2023 Republican Party of New Mexico. All rights reserved.

Cibola County Friends of NRA banquet coming up this August 19.


Just a quick reminder about our Cibola County Friends of NRA banquet coming up this August 19.

FYI . . . Getting your tickets now will help us with the meal count.

Hope to see you there.

Damon Landschoot

Cibola County,  Friends of NRA – Chair

(505) 610-0723


Good morning all.  Business is steady and were still here at ABQ GUNS!!!

So, I know it’s a little late in the season to advertise for this but the Best Of Albuquerque voting is going on until the end of the month. Can you all  vote for ABQ GUNS for

Best Gun Shop,

Best Retail Customer Service,

Best Sporting goods store,

Best Manly Store,

Best Place for a Shopping Spree,

And anything else you can come up with!

Thank you all for what you do for us!


Primary Weapons Systems

Now through the end of April, if you buy a BDE762 or BDE556 at
primaryweapons.com or from ABQ GUNS, you’ll get your tax stamp FREE.  

There are 2 ways you can claim your FREE Tax Stamp:
STEP 1: Go to primaryweapons.com and add a
BDE762 or BDE556 to your cart. 
STEP 2: Head to checkout! A $200 discount will automatically be added to your cart.
STEP 3: The last step is the hardest… wait.   
STEP 1: Check with ABQ GUNS to see if they have any BDE Suppressors in stock or check with a distributor, like Silencer Shop!
STEP 2: Purchase a BDE762 or BDE556 and your dealer will then cover the cost of the tax stamp!
STEP 3: And now you wait… but it’ll be worth it.      
See What We've Been Up To Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube   Copyright © 2022 Primary Weapons Systems, All rights reserved.
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New Mexico: Governor Announces Push for So-Called “Assault Weapons” Ban in 2024

New Mexico: Governor Announces Push for So-Called “Assault Weapons” Ban in 2024

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New Mexico: Governor Announces Push for So-Called "Assault Weapons" Ban in 2024


Remind your state lawmakers where you stand on this issue!

Yesterday at a press conference in the Roundhouse, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced her intention to press forward with a ban on so-called “assault weapons” in the 2024 legislative session. Even-numbered year sessions are normally reserved for budget deliberations, but governors have the authority to “message” bills and make them germane to the fiscal session. She will once again use her power to target your Second Amendment rights!

The Legislature adjourned from this year’s 60-day session on March 18. Because of your testimony before legislative committees and countless calls and emails in opposition to House Bill 101 by Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe), the ban that Lujan Grisham had prioritized during the 60-day session failed to pass. This measure would have prohibited the manufacture, sale, purchase, and possession of semi-automatic firearms with detachable magazines that law-abiding citizens commonly own for self-defense, competition, and recreation, as well as certain attachments for them; banned handguns with fixed magazines that can hold more than 15 rounds of ammunition and long guns with fixed magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition; banned parts or combinations of parts from which such firearms can be assembled; and banned .50 BMG caliber  ammunition. Current owners of any of these firearms or items would have had to register them with the New Mexico Department of Public Safety to maintain possession, or transfer them out of state or to a federal firearm licensed dealer, or face criminal charges. 

Remind your state lawmakers where you stand on this issue!  Let them know you OPPOSE the governor’s, and the progressive left’s, gun ban and firearms registration schemes, which only target law-abiding citizens and which criminals will ignore.

2023 New Mexico Legislative Session came to a close.

At noon today, the 2023 New Mexico Legislative Session came to a close. Only one bill, HB9, passed. See below for more details on that bill. All the other anti-gun bills we were fighting against died. That list includes proposed bans on magazines and guns, waiting periods, age restrictions, FFL and gun manufacturer civil liability, and the polling place gun ban. Thank you to everyone who spoke out against these bills. There were a number of Republican, and some Democrat, legislators who fought hard for our rights in Santa Fe and we thank them.

We are now preparing for the possibility of a special session focused on anti-gun legislation. NMSSA has already begun to prepare for such a session. If there is one, it is likely to be short, as special sessions have been in the past. To maximize our voice during a potential special session on gun bills, we will be holding a rally in Santa Fe during the special session if the governor calls one. Please continue to watch for our alerts for news of a possible special session. 

HB9: This bill is the one that passed and was signed by the governor. This bill will charge a gun owner with a misdemeanor if a third-party minor uses their firearm to threaten or injure someone. There is a felony charge for the gun owner if a third-party minor uses their firearm to kill someone. The bill, in its final version, does not specify how a firearm must be stored, but instead allows for the method of storage be used as a defense for a gun owner charged with a crime under the bill.