House Judiciary Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill 72 – VOTE NO.

Arnie — TOMORROW, the House Judiciary Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill 72. This legislation would make it a felony to manufacture, use, possess or transfer attachments or devices which “increase the rate of fire” of semi-automatic firearms. 

Please click on the CONTACT THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS button below and urge them to OPPOSE HB 72! CONTACT THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS

If you are able to attend this hearing in-person, it will be held in Room 309 of the State Capitol in Santa Fe at 1:30pm.  You may also participate in this hearing via Zoom. For more information regarding HB 72, please see our original alert. 

House Bill 9 was voted out of the House Judiciary Committee and will be voted on by the full New Mexico House any day now. It is important that you keep contacting your State Representatives and urging them to OPPOSE HB 9.Please click on the CONTACT MY STATE REPS button below and ask them to OPPOSE HB 9. CONTACT MY STATE REPS

Yesterday, Senate Rules Committee advanced Senate Bill 44. This measure would ban the carrying of firearms within 100 feet of any polling location.  This bill now moves to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration. Your NRA-ILA will keep you up to date on this, and other bills, as we maneuver through this session.

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