After two weeks of relative calm, gun bills are once again moving quickly around the Roundhouse as we enter the fast-moving second half of the sixty-day session. After being introduced last minute and scheduled quickly for its first committee hearing, SB507, a significant rewrite of New Mexico’s Concealed Handgun Carry Act, will be in its second committee tomorrow afternoon. The bill proposes changes to concealed carry laws we have supported in the past, including eliminating the two-year refresher requirement, but we are concerned that the bill could interfere with reciprocity agreements as it strikes much of that language from the act. The bill will be in the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow, 2/26, in Room 321 after the floor session ends in the afternoon (times can widely vary at this point in the legislative session) (Zoom Link). A new bill on the House Side, HB470, was also introduced right at the filing deadline. The bill would add a section to New Mexico’s child abuse statues to make it a crime of child abuse for a minor to have access to a firearm without supervision by their parent, guardian or authorized adult. That bill will be in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee on Thursday February 27, in Room 317 after the House Floor session (Zoom Link). After sitting on the House Floor for weeks, HB12, the “red-flag” gun confiscation law expansion was brought up for a vote today (vote count). The bill was passed and now heads to the Senate Side. Senate Judiciary Committee Senate Judiciary Committee Senator Joseph Cervantes – (D) 505-986-4861 Senator Katy M. Duhigg – (D) 505-986-4270 Senator Mimi Stewart – (D) 505-986-4734 Senator Peter Wirth – (D) 505-986-4727 Senator Antonio Maestas – (D) 505-986-4373 Senator Crystal Brantley – (R) 505-986-4369 Senator Debbie O’Malley – (D) debbie.o’ 505-986-4301 Senator Nicholas A. Paul – (R) 505-986-4395 Senator Anthony L. Thornton – (R) 505-986-4274 House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee Joanne J. Ferrary – (D) 505-986-4844 Angelica Rubio – (D) 505-986-4210 Stefani Lord – (R) 505-986-4453 John Block – (R) 505-986-4453 Catherine J. Cullen – (R) Andrea Romero – (D) 505-986-4243 Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson – (D) 505-986-4425 |