TOP these bills! SB318 and SB279

With just a few days left, urgent action is needed to stop two bad bills that are still making their way through the legislature. We need a maximum effort to STOP these bills! SB318, Firearms In Unfair Trade Practices, was put on the agenda just hours before the Senate floor met last night. A vote wasn’t taken, but it will debated this morning on the Senate floor and voted on.

Do you want to see: your favorite small business be forced to close, or large retailers move out of New Mexico and \online retailers large and small stop selling products in New Mexico? If SB318 passes the legislature and becomes law that’s what will happen, SB318: targets all New Mexico businesses (except cannabis), increases fines for unfair trade practices from $5000 to $25,000, increases damage awards from $100 to $30,000 and unfairly increases fines and damage awards to $30,000 for the firearms industry. To stop SB318, use the link below to tell you Senator to vote “NO”.

New Mexico Senate Bill 279 (SB279) is an extreme gun control measure that seeks to ban a wide range of commonly owned firearms and standard-capacity magazines.

The bill includes: A ban on so-called “assault weapons,” which includes many commonly owned semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and handguns. A ban on standard-capacity magazines over 10 rounds, which are commonly used for self-defense, competitive shooting, and hunting.

A retroactive possession ban, meaning that law-abiding gun owners who already own these firearms and magazines could be forced to give them up, face confiscation, or risk becoming criminals overnight.

Why is SB279 Bad? It Criminalizes Law-Abiding Citizens This bill does nothing to stop violent criminals but instead targets responsible gun owners who use these firearms for self-defense, sport shooting, and hunting.

It Violates the Second Amendment   The Supreme Court has ruled in cases like D.C. v. Heller and Bruen that bans on commonly owned firearms are unconstitutional. SB279 is an overreach that will likely face legal challenges.

It Does Not Improve Public Safety   Criminals do not follow gun laws, and banning these firearms will not stop violent crime. Instead, it leaves law-abiding citizens defenseless.

It Hurts New Mexico’s Economy   Many gun stores, firearm manufacturers, and shooting sports businesses rely on the sale of these firearms and magazines. This bill could drive them out of business or out of the state.

It Sets the Stage for Further Gun Control   Once this type of ban is in place, anti-gun lawmakers will likely push for even stricter laws, such as mandatory registration, increased restrictions on handguns, and more.  

Bottom Line SB279 is an unconstitutional gun ban that punishes law-abiding citizens while doing nothing to stop crime. Instead of restricting the rights of responsible gun owners, New Mexico should focus on enforcing existing laws against violent criminals.

Here is a letter that you can use as a guide, feel free to modify it in your own words. A revised letter with SB318 and SB279 included
[Your Name] [Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]
  [Legislator’s Name] [Legislator’s Office Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Legislator’s Name], I am writing to urge you to oppose Senate Bill 318 and Senate Bill 279, both of which threaten the rights of law-abiding gun owners and businesses in New Mexico. Senate Bill 318 seeks to impose excessive liability on firearm manufacturers and retailers by allowing lawsuits against them for the criminal misuse of legally sold firearms. This legislation unfairly targets a lawful industry and sets a dangerous precedent that could be extended to other industries.

The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) was enacted at the federal level to prevent such abuses, and SB318 is a direct attempt to undermine those protections. Holding manufacturers and retailers accountable for crimes they did not commit is unjust and could ultimately drive gun businesses out of New Mexico, negatively impacting jobs and the economy.

Senate Bill 279 is an extreme gun ban that would outlaw commonly owned semi-automatic rifles, standard-capacity magazines over 10 rounds, and other firearms used by law-abiding citizens for self-defense, hunting, and competitive shooting.

This bill does nothing to address crime but instead criminalizes responsible gun owners while doing little to improve public safety. Law-abiding New Mexicans should not have their constitutional rights stripped away because of the actions of criminals.

As your constituent, I urge you to stand up for the Second Amendment and oppose these misguided bills.

Please vote NO on SB318 and SB279 and work toward policies that protect both public safety and the rights of law-abiding New Mexicans.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response on this critical issue. Sincerely, [Your Name]